When we were beta testing our new website, feedback from our wonderful members let us know that our original membership benefits actually meant people would likely download more books than they could even read within one month, so it was requested we offer a cheaper membership option! Well, we listened to your feedback, and our new membership rate is just $4.99 per month, with members receiving a $30 coupon! For the price of ONE eBook, you can still download up to TEN eBooks every month with this coupon!
Until August 15th, if you switch to the new membership rate of $4.99, you can use the coupon code TWICE (all capital letters) to get a $3 discount for your FIRST TWO MONTHS on this membership plan! That makes it only $1.99 per month!
Unfortunately, we can't just automatically switch the memberships for EXISTING members to the new format, so this page has instructions for how to sign up for the new membership AND cancel your previous membership!
1. Log into your account and select the down arrow to the right of the round account symbol on the right of the BOOK BALE menu, and select "My Subscription."

2. You will see the new Monthly Subscription option of $4.99. To activate it, press the "Select" button! Please note that selecting this button means your NEW subscription cost will be charged to your payment choice immediately, and it will start a NEW subscription period, meaning that if you paid this on the 8th of August, then you will be charged every month in the future on the 8th, unless you cancel.

3. On the right side of this screen, please click the "Enter a coupon code" link, type in the TWICE coupon code (all capital letters), and press "Apply." You should see the $4.99 price go down to $1.99. (For two months you will then get a discount of $3 off your $4.99 membership cost!) If you already saved a prior payment option, all you have to do is press the "Buy Now" button, and your new subscription with BOOK BALE will start! If you did not save any payment information, you will have to enter that in before you can press the "Buy Now" button! Once that button is pressed, you will be charged $1.99 and then receive a NEW $30 coupon in your email inbox. (If you still have not used your previous coupon, do not worry--both coupons will still be valid to use! However, your NEXT coupon will always arrive each month on the date you signed up for the NEW subscription plan! So if you signed up for it on August 8th, then your next $30 coupon will arrive on September 8th, and so on.)

4. When your payment has gone through, you will see a screen pop up with a "Thanks for your order" message on it. Please resist the urge to press the "Got it" button, and go back up to the round account symbol on the top right of the menu and press the down arrow and then select "My Subscription" again!

5. On your Subscription page, you will notice that you now have TWO active subscriptions with BOOK BALE. The top one is the new $4.99 subscription you just signed up for. The second one is your original subscription we now need to cancel. If you press the tiny down arrow to the right of the "Active" button, it will expand that section and give you all the information about your original subscription with us, including the payment amount, sign up date and when the next payment is due. At the bottom of this section is a "Cancel Subscription" link. Please press that link to start canceling your original subscription with us!

6. To cancel your original membership with BOOK BALE, please select the "Yes, Cancel" button!

7. Once your original subscription has been canceled, you will see a screen similar to this. You will see the new active membership of $4.99 at the top, and then beneath it you will see your canceled membership. It will now say "Pending cancellation" as the status of the original membership (it will officially cancel when the membership month is over), and you will also see an expiration date for the subscription instead of "Valid until canceled," confirming that that membership has been canceled and will finish at the end of the current already-paid month!